HELENA, MT – The Montana Republican Party Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt released the following statement regarding Impeachment efforts in House of Representatives:
“Following the unconscionable attacks on the U.S. Capitol last week Republican leaders at every level of Government have urged for a peaceful transition of power and warned extremists that political violence of any kind has no place in our country and will not be tolerated,” said Montana Republican Party Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt.“As we move forward in this transition, the effort to impeach President Trump only renews the divide many are trying to bridge following Congress’ certification of the 2020 election, and further demonizes the hundreds of thousands of Montanans that supported President Trump’s candidacy. We applaud Congressman Matt Rosendale for standing with Montanans in opposition to a last minute impeachment and believe it is time for Congress to get to work on behalf of all Americans.”