As Bullock Jets Off, Montana Taxpayers Foot the Bill

It’s official, Governor Bullock is ready to jet-set off to Iowa and New Hampshire in his bid to become the next President of the United States.

And, boy, does he have a sweetheart deal …

As Bullock travels to these early primary states and holds fundraisers across the nation, his security detail for his out-of-state campaign travel will be paid for by the Montana taxpayer – a total amount just shy of $300,000 this year alone.

This raises a simple question: Why should the Montana taxpayer be left on the hook to pay for Gov. Bullock’s security detail when he travels out-of-state for campaign purposes?

With at least five visits to Iowa and New Hampshire under his belt, the Montana taxpayers have already been picking up the tab for quite some time – and that doesn’t even include all of his out-of-state fundraisers with wealthy donors and special interest groups he’s held in anticipation of today’s announcement that he’s kept under wraps …

This wouldn’t be the first time Bullock abused taxpayer resources … During his 2016 re-election campaign he used the State Plane to attend campaign events and fundraisers across the state. Even back then, Bullock was ignoring state law that prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars for campaign purposes. He ended up paying back the state of Montana over $7,500 for his campaign travel and fines incurred for violating the law.

Just because Bullock’s leaving Montana in his rear-view mirror to run for President doesn’t mean Montana taxpayers should have to pick up the nearly $300,000 tab to pay for his pipe dream.



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PO Box 935, Helena, MT 59624
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