Montana Democrats Show Hypocrisy in Montana Supreme Court Race

April 6, 2022

HELENA, Mont. – In a statement released last week, Montana Democrat Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan called the Montana Republican Party’s endorsement of James Brown for election to the Montana Supreme Court “unprecedented and deeply troubling”. They also called it “nothing less than an all-out attack on a co-equal branch of government”. In response to the attacks levied by Hogan, Montana Republican Party Chairman Don “K” Kaltschmidt released the following statement:

“Ms. Hogan’s accusations are not only riddled with inaccuracies, but once again show the downright dishonesty of the Montana Democrats,” Chairman Kaltschmidt said. “The Montana Democrats can say whatever they want, but the facts speak for themselves. Our endorsement of James Brown is neither unprecedented nor deeply troubling. If the Montana Democrats were honest with the people of Montana, they would have shared their record of supporting judicial candidates. Just 6 years ago, the Montana Democrats spent over $60,000 to help elect Dirk Sandefur to the Montana Supreme Court. Their dishonesty is an insult to the people of Montana, but unfortunately is unsurprising.”

In 2016, the Montana Democratic Party spent over $60,000 to send out more than 93,000 mailers and run more than 200 radio ads supporting Dirk Sandefur for election to the Montana Supreme Court. They also explicitly supported his campaign saying, “The Montana Democratic Party joins folks of all political backgrounds in supporting Dirk Sandefur.”

The suggestion from Democrats that the Republican Party is waging some sort of imaginary attack on the Montana Judiciary by supporting a candidate for election is laughable. And while attacking the Montana Republican Party for “politicizing the court”, Justice Gustafson is lining up Democrat super-donors who have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to liberal candidates like Steve Bullock, Jon Tester, and Joe Biden in an effort to help her own re-election campaign.

If the Montana Democrats want to become relevant in Montana again, they should stop with their untruthful charades and start being honest with the people of Montana.


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