The role of Montana’s Secretary of State to preserve the integrity of our elections has never been more important. With a dangerous track record of supporting measures that would undermine the integrity of our elections, Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Bryce Bennett is woefully unqualified to assume the responsibilities of Secretary of State.
Here are the facts:
FACT: As A State Senator, Bennett Supported Legislation That Would Undermine The Integrity of Montana’s Elections
- Bennett Sponsored the Failed Senate Bill 112, Intended to Repeal A Law To Prohibit Bribes At Polling Places. “Senate Bill 112, which Bennett sponsored in the 2019 session, would have repealed a law that prohibits campaign volunteers from handing out bribes in the form of ‘alcohol, tobacco, food, drinks, or anything of value’ at the polling places of this state.” (Montana Standard)
- Bennett Supported the Failed Senate Bill 113, Eliminating The Residency Requirement in Montana Election Laws. “SB 113 of the 2019 session would have had the consequence of throwing the residency requirement in Montana election laws, not to mention U.S. citizenship, out the window.” (Montana Standard)
FACT: As A State Representative, Bennett Supported Legislation That Would Politicize Election Administrators
- Bennett Introduced the Failed House Bill 469, Intended To Allow Partisan Elections Of Election Administrators. “Bennett introduced HB 469 in the 2015 session that would have provided the opportunity for the partisan election of election administrators.” (Montana Standard)
By sharp contrast, Republican candidate for Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen is committed to ensuring the integrity of our elections by supporting Voter ID requirements and defending Montanans’ right to vote in person. Jacobsen is the clear choice for Secretary of State.