80 Tweets, 25 Press Releases, and $11,067,273 from Outside Groups for Cooney

As a candidate who likes to decry dark money and outside groups in our elections, career politician Mike Cooney sure does benefit from them behind closed doors!

Since January 1st, the Democrat Governors Association and a dark money Democrat group in Washington have sent over 80 tweets and 25 press releases on Montana’s gubernatorial race.

Not to mention, Cooney has benefitted from $11,067,273 from out-of-state, special interest, and dark money groups – making him the largest recipient of outside spending in this race.

Clearly, career politician Cooney’s tough talk to outside groups to “please stay away” last fall was all to score political points. Montanans deserve better.

It’s past time Mike Cooney answers for his blatant hypocrisy on the out-of-state, dark money, and special interest groups propping up his campaign.

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PO Box 935, Helena, MT 59624
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