April 24, 2024
MONTANA – Yesterday, the Republican Governor’s Association released a video that showed just how out of touch Ryan Busse really is with Montanans. From bashing his hometown of Kalispell to praising AOC, Busse continues to insult Montanans.
The Busse campaign has adopted the phrase “Get your Montana back.” Based on the statements made in this video, what Montana is he trying to get back?
A mid-February survey of likely Montana voters revealed 52% of voters would vote for Governor Gianforte, with only 30% voting for Democrat Ryan Busse. SurveyUSA conducted the poll on behalf of NonStop Local ABC-FOX.
If this is the best the Democratic Governors Association and Montana Democrats can do, we wish them luck.
“I’m not embarrassed about anything I’m running on. Go put it on YouTube. Put it on every single channel, Greg, I’m watching ya.
We’ve got to find ways to make childcare more expensive.
The two smartest people I’ve testified in front of and prepared with are AOC and Jamie Raskin.
I live in Kalispell. Some of you might have heard, it’s not the most enlightened political place in the world.
The Democratic Governors Association believes that we can win.”